Welcome to

Soul Over Role



Most moms make nearly 35,000 choices per day. It’s no wonder 75% of women claim rising stress levels and 25% of us are on the path to burnout.

This ticking time bomb approach to living is going to be the death of us. Something has to change, there’s gotta be something more.


We are a community of kick ass, inspired belongers, not followers with like-minded warrior souls who invite not indict.

There is no judgment or topic off-limits.

This is leaning into love and away from fear.

This is about learning everything that no one ever tells us we need to know.

This is finding more of me through more of we.


Episode 1: Insights on Motherhood, Career, and Personal Growth with Brig Johnson

Episode 2: Balancing Technology and Authentic Connections in Modern Parenting with Renee Carls

Episode 3: Using Human Design in Motherhood and Parenting with Sam Zagar


Episode 4: Faith-Filled Parenting and 9 Minute Connection with Jennifer Sise


Don’t suffer any longer.

My mission is

To empower women of all ages to realize your health and quality of your life is a choice. You can read more about my journey to wellness here.

As a cancer survivor I know the impact of hormonal health on your quality of life. You don’t have to suffer in silence, there is hope.

We’ll work together to establish personalized protocols to improve your whole health, so you can get back to feeling like you again.

Let’s move you to the top of the list.